Sunday 18 May 2008

The problem with Anne Brontë...

So often ignored, is Anne Brontë.
In the face of Emily's Wuthering Heights and Charlotte's Jane Eyre, Agnes Grey just fails to capture the imagination in the same way - there are no fires, no mad wives in the attic, no ghostly hauntings in the middle of the night... Anne dwells in the realm of reality, whilst her sisters take flight into the loftier halls of imagination.

Is that such a bad thing, though?
If things are more grounded in reality, certain things have more impact - look at The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, for example. The drunkenness of Arthur Huntingdon has far more of an impact that that of Hindley Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights.

In more recent years, Anne has been gaining in popularity. She's finally being recognised.
...And to think, it was once common opinion that she was only remembered because of her sisters' great works.

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