Tuesday 20 May 2008

The Phantom of the Opera is there... somehow!

You wouldn't think The Phantom of the Opera would show signs of the Brontës, would you?

Remember, if you will, Rochester's tale of his exploits in Paris in Jane Eyre - Céline, a dancer and an opera singer, was his mistress for a time... and who does he catch her with? A vicomte, one who Rochester describes as a "young roue" and "a brainless and vicious youth".

...Now, why does that sound rather like Christine and Raoul?
Rochester is gentler than the Phantom - no murderous rages, of course - but he fills the same role... essentially.
(Ignoring, of course, that Rochester is far more romantically-inclined than the Phantom, as is to be expected, and that he's not hideously deformed, as is also to be expected.)

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