Saturday 26 April 2008

Disproving "Emily's Journal"

Emily's Journal by Sarah Fermi, proposes that Emily Brontë fell in love with a weaver's son from Haworth due to the fact that the initials R.C. can be found next to one poem amongst Emily's - those two initials fall amongst those that have no defined meaning.

However, lots of poems feature a character known as R.G.
It's also known that Emily wasn't the best speller and that her writing was notoriously messy - my book of poems remarks that her 'r's and 'n's are fairly similar.

Is it not possible, therefore, that R.C. could be a simple misspelling - or misreading - of R.G.?
After all, even for someone with fairly neat handwriting, a C looks an awful lot like a G.

This whole thing has shades of
"Louis Parensell", doesn't it?
Then again, I'm one of those people who believes that Emily didn't have to fall in love to create such a fantastic novel...

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